Interlude, 2013
Aluminium, glass, coloured and dichroic film, 274.5 x 400 x 50cm each
Collection Qantas Australia

Titled Interlude, the work is the central feature of the space, composed of two large and dynamic architectural screens of coloured glass and brushed aluminium, dividing the lounge and dining areas. The colours of Interlude move kinetically within the sculptural form, reflecting and refracting light, responding and interacting with the spectator as they move past, or sit in contemplation.

An interlude – as a breathing space, a rest or pause within the cadence of a musical composition – creates levels of feeling and movement akin to the shifting sequences of a journey. Whilst those who visit the Chairman’s lounge will rest and restore themselves during transit, Interlude continues and reflects the movement of travel, the spectrums of colour weaving in and out with shifting sequences of time and rhythm.

Interlude is characteristic of Robert Owen’s inspired way of fusing integral concepts and experiences into abstract forms. Interlude facilitates an experience that is about the orders of sensation; that is, the affect of the colours and rhythm on our senses, and the reflection of momentary shifts in sensation as we engage with the passage of time.